Download Ubuntu Server Guide Ebook PDF - Buku Ubuntu Server Guide berisi panduan instalasi dan konfigurasi berbagai aplikasi server untuk kebutuhan Anda. Disini dibahas langkah demi langkah, panduan berbasis tugas untuk konfigurasi dan penyesuaian sistem Anda.
Judul buku: Ubuntu Server Guide
Bahasa: Inggris
Tebal: 409 halaman
Format buku: PDF
Software: Sumatra PDF Reader
Ukuran: 1.38MiB
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1. Introduction
- 1. Support
2. Installation
- 1. Preparing to Install
- 2. Installing from CD
- 3. Upgrading
- 4. Advanced Installation
- 5. Kernel Crash Dump
3. Package Management
- 1. Introduction
- 2. dpkg
- 3. Apt
- 4. Aptitude
- 5. Automatic Updates
- 6. Configuration
- 7. References
4. Networking
- 1. Network Configuration
- 2. TCP/IP
- 3. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- 4. Time Synchronisation with NTP
- 5. Data Plane Development Kit
5. DM-Multipath
- 1. Device Mapper Multipathing
- 2. Multipath Devices
- 3. Setting up DM-Multipath Overview
- 4. The DM-Multipath Configuration File
- 5. DM-Multipath Administration and Troubleshooting
6. Remote Administration
- 1. OpenSSH Server
- 2. Puppet
- 3. Zentyal
7. Network Authentication
- 1. OpenLDAP Server
- 2. Samba and LDAP
- 3. Kerberos
- 4. Kerberos and LDAP
- 5. SSSD and Active Directory
8. Domain Name Service (DNS)
- 1. Installation
- 2. Configuration
- 3. Troubleshooting
- 4. References
9. Security
- 1. User Management
- 2. Console Security
- 3. Firewall
- 4. AppArmor
- 5. Certificates
- 6. eCryptfs
10. Monitoring
- 1. Overview
- 2. Nagios
- 3. Munin
11. Web Servers
- 1. HTTPD - Apache2 Web Server
- 2. PHP - Scripting Language
- 3. Squid - Proxy Server
- 4. Ruby on Rails
- 5. Apache Tomcat
12. Databases
- 1. MySQL
- 2. PostgreSQL
13. LAMP Applications
- 1. Overview
- 2. Moin Moin
- 3. MediaWiki
- 4. phpMyAdmin
- 5. WordPress
14. File Servers
- 1. FTP Server
- 2. Network File System (NFS)
- 3. iSCSI Initiator
- 4. CUPS - Print Server
15. Email Services
- 1. Postfix
- 2. Exim4
- 3. Dovecot Server
- 4. Mailman
- 5. Mail Filtering
16. Chat Applications
- 1. Overview
- 2. IRC Server
- 3. Jabber Instant Messaging Server
17. Version Control System
- 1. Bazaar
- 2. Git
- 3. Subversion
- 4. References
18. Samba
- 1. Introduction
- 2. File Server
- 3. Print Server
- 4. Securing File and Print Server
- 5. As a Domain Controller
- 6. Active Directory Integration
19. Backups
- 1. Shell Scripts
- 2. Archive Rotation
- 3. Bacula
20. Virtualization
- 1. libvirt
- 2. Cloud images and uvtool
- 3. Ubuntu Cloud
- 4. LXD
- 5. LXC
21. Control Groups
- 1. Overview
- 2. Filesystem
- 3. Delegation
- 4. Manager
- 5. Resources
22. Clustering
- 1. DRBD
23. VPN
- 1. OpenVPN
24. Other Useful Applications
- 1. pam_motd
- 2. etckeeper
- 3. Byobu
A. Appendix
- 1. Reporting Bugs in Ubuntu Server Edition